. S o u l C a r e a n d S p i r i t u a l C o a c h i n g f o r I n d i v i d u a l s (also known as Spiritual Direction)
This is dedicated time to tend to your spiritual or ensouled life.
I help to establish a space where you can come into the presence of, and receive direction or guidance from the Sacred Source(s) in your life (Divine Feminine, Mother, Creator, God, Higher Power, Great Spirit, Beloved Ancestors).
I offer individual sessions online, which last for approximately one hour.
To see if we could be a life-giving fit, you can schedule a free 30-minute consultation here: calendly.com/coketani
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S o u l C a r e a n d S p i r i t u a l C o a c h i n g f o r G r o u p s
. . . can be provided through:
"talk story" and prayer circles contemplative writing and poem-making creative and embodied pathways InterPlay(c) retreats